Deen's Notebook
How do we feel about the new Avalanche road uniforms?

First off, I don’t really know why anyone would have ever wanted to mess with the first Avalanche road uniform colors:
I loved those old Avs road unis. Burgundy wine color, royal blue trim. Very, very striking to the naked eye. But, starting however many years ago it was when some marketing people tried to fix what wasn’t broken, NHL teams made the choice to go with white uniforms for road games. I disagreed with that then, and I disagree with it now. Why try to do keno strategies on a sure thing? But beside that point, the Avs have tinkered with their road colors for many years now. And, this is the latest version:
These are, officially, the new Avalanche road uniforms for 2021-22. The changes from last year are blue numbers/lettering and burgundy nameplates.
I um, uh….yeah, I don’t like them too much. Aqua blue is actually my favorite color under the rainbow, but I never quite expected the Avs to mimic the look of the Miami Dolphins. I much prefer the older look of the Avs on the road, but since the NHL decided to make the road villains dressed in white, that has been off the table.
I don’t really love the blue number coloring. It looks a bit like your uncle who dressed up for the wedding reception in completely mismatched colors, and while everybody kind of laughed under their breath at him, nobody really wanted to go up and tell him, “Let’s maybe think about a new shirt here…”
They look like cheap knockoffs from an overseas sweatshop that you see for sale on Ebay a lot.
The Avalanche home uniforms still look like their old road uniforms, except the burgundy isn’t as bright. I liked the flashier, more ’90s flash of burgundy than the one now.
Then again, I suppose I’ll be called “old” here by some over this opinion. But what about you, my hardcore Avs fans and subscribers? I’d like to hear your opinion on this issue too.