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A Farewell, A Thank You, And The Future




I certainly didn’t plan on writing something like this anytime soon, but in life, plans change.

Tomorrow, September 22, will be my final day as Editor-In-Chief of Colorado Hockey Now.

I could have disappeared without a word, but I couldn’t do that. Not after all the support I’ve received since taking over this site on Jan. 1, 2023. I wanted a chance to say goodbye, and most importantly, thank you.

Thank you to everyone who has visited CHN over the last 21 months, read my work, or even subbed to the site. I appreciate all support, because without you, I wouldn’t be able to do any of this.

I really tried to make this site my own and separate it from other outlets. The goal was to make it a place where Avalanche fans could find everything they needed in one spot, whether it be news, analysis, prospect updates, or film rooms. I’d like to think I accomplished that goal. Over the past 21 months, I’ve published almost 2,000 articles. That’s a wild number for me to even read. It’s been a lot of work, but a lot of fun to bring Avalanche fans the coverage they deserve.

I had no intention of leaving, but recently I was offered an opportunity that someone like myself, with a wife and a young kid, simply couldn’t turn down. It was a very difficult decision to make but I hope everyone understands. And yes, I will still be covering the Avalanche…I just can’t say where yet.

What’s going to happen to CHN? It will keep chugging along. Don’t worry, you will all be in very good hands when the new Editor-In-Chief is announced on Monday. I wasn’t going to just leave and not help find a replacement. I’ve got you covered until Sunday night with camp coverage before turning the keys over to the new owner.

Thank you to Dan Kingerski for giving me the opportunity. The start was a little chaotic, but everything turned out okay. And most importantly, thank you to every single one of you who has read my work and supported the site since I took over. That support means the world to me. I’m not leaving Avalanche coverage, so if you ever want to reach out, feel free to do so.

Colorado's premier coverage of the Avalanche from professional hockey people. Evan Rawal, Editor-in-Chief. Part of the National Hockey Now family.

This site is in no way associated with the Colorado Avalanche or the NHL. Copyright ยฉ 2023 National Hockey Now.